True low-power platform (63 μA/MHz) for the general-purpose applications, with 1.8-V to 5.5-V operation,
2- to 16-Kbyte code flash memory, and 31 DMIPS at 24 MHz
RL78/G12 microcontrollers balance the industry’s lowest level of consumption current (CPU: 63 μA/MHz, standby (STOP): 230 nA) and a high performance of32.4 DMIPS (24 MHz). They have an on-chip oscillator, data flash, A/D converter, and more. Built-in safety features (function that detects illegal operation of hardware) enable support for the household appliance safety standard (IEC/UL 60730). With a 20 to 30-pin compact package lineup, these microcontrollers are perfect for sub-microcontrollers of small appliances and consumer and industrial equipment.
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